Hello, and welcome to my online home! Happy to have you here! I honestly would love to know what brought you here. Please drop me a line.
Like many of you, I’m a mom, which means tons of laughter, hugs, kisses, and lauded adoration but also some dabbling of tears, heartache, criticism, and judgement.
I’m also a coach/nomad/explorer on a journey of self-discovery and world exploration (with all its flaws, it’s still a beautiful world).
Though life sometimes throw darts at us, knocking us off our center and can be so unpredictable, I believe we still need to create a design for the lifestyle we want to live, and strive to make it a reality.
And so after taking many missteps in my earlier years, I’ve learned so much from them and about myself and yes, I’ve overcome and that’s what I’ve started sharing and helping women with. I help women get unstuck, stop simply existing and start living the life they truly deserve and can actually live – if only they know what it is they want, create their design, and bring it into existence #DesignYourDreamLifestyle. As I evolve, so has my career choices, from my earlier years in the financial field, to my now coaching and mentoring field and I look forward to continue evolving and living my best life possible, alongside a ton of magnificent, purpose-driven women and men.
I looooove traveling/sightseeing and spent most of my earlier years doing just that. I love people! And I’m passionate about helping as many as I can, in whatever way I can, for as long as I get to enjoy this beautiful thing called life. I love good vibration and constantly align myself with people and environments that keep me in that sphere. That’s why I’ve strategically aligned myself with other powerful, like-minded, smart, savvy, strategic women around the country and have created the exclusive group My Blooming Biz Mastermind and hosted our yearly events to connect and bask not only in our accomplishments throughout each year, but also in our ability to do it in style.
I’ve created five (5) programs that have helped hundreds of women around the globe go from a state of “just going with the flow” to “living life my way”. They are the Design Your Dream Lifestyle, Let in Vivacious Energy, UPPPP Your Genius, WERK Your Money Making Genie, and the MASTER Your Finances Programs. I also host events around the country with the two most popular being my Design Your Dream Lifestyle which includes physically getting to work on designing vision boards (based on your completed Lifestyle Designing WorkBook), and my L.I.V.E event which is an acronym for Let In Vivacious Energy. I've written two books that are in support of women becoming empowered. They are: Unleash: Activate Your Power, Manifest Your Greatness & Become The Empowered Woman You Were Born To Be, and The Elusive Money: How To Snatch & Hold Onto It. I'm also in the process of writing my first anthology titled, Greatness Unleashed: Kicking Away The Door Blocker & Releasing The Giant That's You.
If you are experiencing that nudge that “This is not the way I'm suppose to be living” then this is your chance to design your life exactly the way you want it to be. And to help you get started, here is a FREE copy of my Lifestyle Designing Workbook. It’s 41 pages of colorful layout, and thought-provoking questions to help you get clarity in the eight (8) key areas of your life.
My Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
The one true King and creator of everything. Without whom nothing is, and could have been! All glory, praise, and honor be unto You – now and through eternity! On this, another beautiful day that You have made, I humbly come before You with thanksgiving and praises in my heart and on my lips. Thank You for keeping me through the night and waking me up this morning in my right mind. Thank you for providing for and protecting my family, friends, and all my light being brothers and sisters who desire your provision and protection. Thank You for always giving me the strength and courage to believe in myself. To never give up. To grow and learn. To believe that I am worthy of greatness. Worthy of love. Worthy of peace. Worthy of respect. To believe that if I do the work, all things are possible. That dreams can come through with focus, ambition, determination, and tenacity. It seems like just yesterday I made the choice to go for it. To try to create a fulfilling life for myself and my family. To try to be what You want me to be. To make a difference in this world. To spread love, kindness, and inspire somebody. I still have much work to do! I will never give up! I will not stop living for You and walking circumspectly in love and the truth of who I am, because of You. Thank You Father God for not bringing me this far to leave me. Thank You for carrying me on days when I feel too defeated to walk. Thank you for considering my incongruity as a sojourner in this physical body here on this earth, and as such, continue to forgive me of my many sins. Thank You for overflowing me with Your grace, mercy, and favor. Thank You for Your divine protection, Your unconditional love, Your never ending provision. Thank You for Your constant reminder that nothing is possible without You, and nothing is impossible with You. Thank You for disappointing the devices of my enemies so that their hands cannot perform their evil deeds. I am so humbled and grateful! Without You Father God, I am nothing; but with You, I am everything. Thank You!
Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!!
✔“I do not regret yesterday and I’m excited for tomorrow, but TODAY I am living my best life. “
✔“The best way to predict your future is to D E S I G N it. “
✔“There are always signs; ignoring them is the surest way to end up at the wrong destination.”
✔“I haven’t seen what I’m capable of yet, so I’ll keep on pushing, learning, and challenging myself.”
✔“Discover your What and determine your Why, so you can map and execute your How!”
✔“The first step to getting what you want is knowing what you want.”
✔“Be sure of what you want, then go for it, and let NOTHING stop you from achieving it.”
✔“Not everything depends on you, so for the things that do, make them count.”
✔“Allow opportunity to find you ready.”
✔“Opportunities will knock but you shouldn’t sit around and wait for them; get up, create your own and make it happen.”
✔“Having your finances in order is the highest form of self love; a love that cannot help but command respect.”
✔“Be kind always! Treat everyone you meet as if they’re fighting a battle you know nothing about; they just may be.”
✔“Respect each other’s humanity, you have no idea what individuals experiences are.”
✔“Your unique essence of YOU is E X C L U S I V E to YOU; you cannot be anyone else, and no one else can be YOU.”
✔“Be careful whom you ask for direction; some people have no idea where they’re going themselves.”
✔“Everything you need to live the life you want is inside of you, but you must visualize, actualize, and materialize it.”
✔“People can give up on you! Your mom, dad, sister, brother, wife, husband, son, daughter, best friend…but unless and until you give up on yourself, their giving up cannot and will not seal your fate.”
✔“The moment you’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before the breakthrough happens. Hold on a little bit longer!”
✔“When folks tell you “you can’t” tell them you can and you will… then do it!.”
✔“It’s impossible to dodge all the curveballs life throws at you, but you must decide if you stay down or rise.”
✔“Put your best foot forward; everything else will have no alternative but to fall in place.”
✔“I did not wake up today to be mediocre, and neither should you.”
✔“What happened to me is in the past; I’m choosing what happens next.”
✔“Life is precious and unpredictable; don’t wait to start living your life to its fullest.”
✔“Take risks. Take chances. Be bold. Be intentional. Go for what you want! Life is too short to not live every minute of your life – just the way you want it.”
✔“Take time out to do whatever makes you happy.”
Play Tennis
Fun Time With Fam
Bask In Roses & Lilies
Service My Clients
Collect Coins
Celebrate Wins
Drink Fine Wine
Relax & Breathe
Read “Toe-Tingling” Books

W.E.R.K Your Money Making Genie (Wake. Energize. Reinforce. Kickstart.)
U.P.P.P.P Your Genius (Uncover. Package. Position. Promote. Profit.)
M.A.S.T.E.R Your Finances (Maximize And Scrutinize Then Employ Restraint)L.I.V.E (Let In Vivacious Energy) Design Your Dream Lifestyle