Women Empowerment Books

GLAMBITIOUS GUIDE TO GREATNESS: How to Go From Doubt to Destiny & From Surviving to Thriving
As women we all go through some thangs, different sh*t at different times, and we can either let them derail us or we can choose to kick them where it hurts, detract the lessons, and use them as catalysts for our empowerment.
Myself and 29 other women have teamed up with Glamboss.org to share our stories of trials and triumph. The situations are different, the way we handled them are different, and what we learned from them and in turn use those lessons for, are also very different.
My hope is that you will be inspired to get up from where you are and go build that legacy you always dreamed of building.
Learn more and get your copy here.

UNLOCK YOUR UNSTOPPABLE: Balancing Life, Love, and Longevity
Life gets busy! And if you’re not busy? (I’m giving you the side eye) something is not quite right.
Being a business owner – on top of possibly being a wife, mom, coach, coordinator…, can be pretty time-consuming and very entailed, and if we’re not sure what we are doing, we can end up draining and depleting ourselves to the point of no return. And everything, and everyone who depend on us will suffer.
So how do we avoid all this? We setup systems in place to help us balance life, love, and our pursuit of longevity based on each of us individual needs and situation. In our book compiled by Author and Professional Counselor Reketta C. Wright, learn how myself and 5 other women are doing this here.